Thursday, April 27, 2006

Goin' Intergalactic...

...or at least global.

Weird. It appears that a biking Web site coming out of Hungary, and with the less than sonorous title of Intergalaktikus Betyarok Csucsmunkaja, has decided to co-opt the latest bits of my blog via podcast. At least I think it's Hungary; my Hungarian is a bit rusty, but the URL extension ".hu" and the pic of an Arany Aszok bottle cap on the site conspired to give me a clue. The purloined posts are in English, but sans pix. Not sure how it was that this humble blog came to their attention, but it's kinda cool. I did recognize a few other sites listed there, but not many, and not necessarily the ones I would have expected.

So, in the spirit of Internet piracy, and to fulfill a personal need for maintaining cultural parity, I stole the images in this post from their site. The one at right is from an interesting collection called Lego Critical Mass that should satisfy bike geeks and Star Wars nerds alike (a double treat if you fit both bills). Clever stuff, and there are plenty of other great shots. This guy is nothing if not prolific.

It would be nice to be able to read and understand other parts of the site, since it seems full of interesting material, but unfortunately nem értek magyarul, and I don't know of any search engines that can translate the language. Oh well. At least the pictures are still worth the proverbial thousands of words.

Now, when this post shows up there, the gods of Self-Referentiality can go spinning wildly about their cosmos in the myriad reflections of billions of briolette stars...


gmr2048 said...

dood! that might be the strangest thing i've ever seen. er, congrats or something.

Blue-eyed Devil said...

Yeah, stranger still, when you google "wrench in the gears blogspot," theirs is the second URL listed; this (the orginal FeedBurner podcast) is the fourth one listed:

My own specific listing doesn't appear until deep into the fourth page! WTF?

gmr2048 said...

! that's just f*ed up. wish i knew more about search engine optimization...i'd offer help.