graffiti, Paris, May 1968
Five weeks and counting down...
Looks like some folks have been busy at the brew kettle lately. Nice. My turn comes this Saturday, when I plan to bring together the necessary elements and ingredients to produce what I trust will become a nice barleywine. That's the plan right now, but I may change my mind after a visit to myLHBS this evening to wrangle supplies. (If you dwell in the DC-metro area, Derek of myLHBS is the man to see for all your brewing needs, including help with recipes and techniques.)
Okay, here’s where things stand on the Bootlegger's Bliss, layed out in order of importance.
First, registration. If you're coming to this little shindig, please do me the courtesy of telling me so now in an email:
BBpotlatch AT gmail DOT com1

Lastly, the new Bliss artwork is underway. I’ve got several ideas, one of which is much further along in the execution than the others, but all are fair game at this point. Hope to have an inked, scanned image ready by Sunday evening. If successful, I’ll post a detail of it here. If unsuccessful, blame the beer.
That’s it for now. Happy brewing!

1. In case it isn't immediately clear, when drafting the email, please replace the "AT" with an at sign, and the "DOT" with a dot like the one at the end of this sentence. Capisci?

I take it you need to be a brewer as well as a biker to attend? I may need to invest in some equipment and hit the books. ;)
Yep, that's the deal. The idea is to bring homebrewing mountain bikers together for a ride (including post-tasting picnic table trials and a derby) and tasting. Obviously, if a lot of people attend and don't bring beer, then the brewer's aren't going to be too happy. Unhappy brewers = no 4th Annual Bootlegger's Bliss, and that's not cool.
Shoot me an email anyway.
Ha, look at Derek....hippy! Looks like he's finally got the shop all setup.
I'm a maybe for attendance...we'll see how that works out as we get closer.
I hope you aren't planning on having the barely wine ready for the Bliss, that stuff needs a proper aging!
Naw, rx, going with a fairly high-grav. porter.
I'm in! I'll bring a bit of the barley wine I've had cellared since the end of Feb. and probably a bit of something in case the bw just isn't "there" yet.
So did you brew this week or leave it till today.
So how do you punch the gravity on the porter? Add some extra sugars or are you gonna just use more grain???
What if you brew hotsauce and bike?
Rob, very cool, glad to hear you're coming.
DT, lemme know, man.
2D2S, c'mon down!
HINT: Don't drink the batch that Ricky's bringing, if you look closely you notice he's cleaning his socks in that brew pot!
Fatbob - Thanks for the warning. :)
Guess I should stop dry hopping using socks as the hop bag hu???
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