Monday, February 02, 2009

Along the Riverside Route...

The Jefferson Memorial, looking a bit otherworldly in the gloaming. What was the word Lovecraft loved to use so often...eldritch? Yeah, maybe.

I took this pic on the commute home from work last week. It had been raining earlier in the day, and the residual cumulous clouds took on a tinge of purple-pink under influence of a fading sunset. A layer of ice-coated snow clung stubbornly to the ground all around, resolute beneath the afternoon's steady pummeling of raindrops, making my balancing act in bike shoes on the slippery parapet a bit dicey as I steadied the camera.

It's easy to forget how fortunate I am to have such views every day on my ride to and from work...

1 comment:

KMAX said...

I also found that night to be pretty amazing.

I get jealous of all the shots posted on blogs from the riders in Colorado, Utah, Alaska, etc...

We do have our own scenery to be proud of, just need something to make us look at it anew every once in a while.